Avalanche Tropical – São Paulo, Brasil – September 27th, 2014
Mc Bin Laden part. MC 2K – Passinho do Faraó (Clipe Oficial)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Vell – Oakland ft. DJ Mustard
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Futebol team in Bahia releases a “black Wonder Woman” mascot in the midst of racial controversies on the soccer pitch
Dj Ly-COox [TMP] – MAU TEMPO – 2014
Ta a Matar ! – Dotorado’Pro’
Notorious B.I.G (Biggie Smalls) Party And Bullshit (Original Video 1993)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Jason Derulo – Wiggle Wiggle ( Sydney Sousa ) Remix Rsteirinha
Aquecimento = Wiggle Wiggle V.s Romano [[ DJ LULA ]] 2014