Reflecting back on my couple of decades as a DJ, I realize I am privileged to have witnessed a cultural renaissance amongst youth both on the African continent and in the diaspora that resulted in this international market for African cultural expression called “Afrobeats.” While I do think we have a ways to go (politically), I can appreciate how far we have come from the “African Booty Scratcher,” “your relatives live in trees?” days of my youth. So here is a bit of sonic reflection on the last 10 years of West African pop that I did on my last NTS show. Hope you enjoy, and that you maaayybe learn something new. Posted on, link in bio. (at NTS Radio)

Los Angeles, before the fam and I jet off to Brazil for the summer, don’t miss a (nowadays) rare DJ set from myself this Friday 🙂 I’ll be going back to back with the local Master of ceremonies @foreignerrrrr. Event is free and we trying to make this monthly, so any swing thru you can muster is a show of support in our attempt to hold down a free space for real black Atlantic diversity in Southern California.